The art, practice and science of Feldenkrais®
Director: Robert J. Burgess BEd, PT, PhD, Feldenkrais Practitioner



Robert Burgess
BEd, PT, PhD

Physical Therapist
Feldenkrais Practitioner

robert burgess 

Academic Credentials and Professional Experience

  •  Bachelor of Education 1977

  •  Bachelor Applied Science in Physiotherapy 1981

  •  Graduate Diploma Manipulative Therapy 1985

  •  Graduate Diploma in Social Science 1993

  •  Feldenkrais Practitioner 1993

  •  PhD Trunk Kinematics 2002


Publications- Books and Artilces


Robert received a Bachelor of Education from the University of Adelaide, South Australia in 1977 followed by a Bachelor Applied Science in Physiotherapy at the University of South Australia in 1981.

He then completed a Graduate Diploma in Advanced Manipulative Therapy (Maitland, Honours, 1985) and a Graduate Diploma of Social Science (Health Counselling) University of South Australia in 1993.

In 1993 Robert completed a Feldenkrais Training Program in Melbourne and Brisbane Australia.

In 1997, he immigrated to the US.

Robert completed his Doctorate in Spinal Kinematics in 2002 at the University of South Australia (externally). Robert worked with professor Lars Odsson at the NeuroMuscular Research Center at Boston University where he completed one of the research projects in his PhD. In March 2009 this research was published in the International Medical Science Journal 'Ergonomics' (see above).

After ten years of developing ATM exercise sheets for his clients, Robert published his first book in 2009:
"A Guide to Body Sense: Volume I Movement Patterns" (see above).

Robert has 41 years experience in sports and orthopedic medicine and chronic pain.

For ten years Robert collaborated in part time research at the NeuroMuscular Research Center. He worked at the Mt Auburn Hospital Cambridge Massachusetts and completed classes at Harvard and Boston Universities and the University of NH, USA.

Robert has worked at Huggins Hospital, Wolfeboro NH for 15 years.

In 2012, Robert established STAR LAB: the Spinal Testing And Research Laboratory of New Hampshire in Wolfeboro for ongoing spinal research. See STAR LAB NH


The Feldenkrais Method

For more information about the Feldenkrais Method see the

North Amercian Guild FEFNA

The International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF) IFF